Tony Ross

Tony accepts briefs in all areas of law.

Prior to coming to the Bar, Tony served in the Australian Defence Force for 16 years, predominantly as an Army Officer. He is now in the active reserves.

In 2022, Tony was Tipstaff to the Hon. Justice M.J. Slattery AM AM (Mil) RAN of the Supreme Court of New South Wales (Equity Division).

Tony received his Juris Doctor from the Australian National University and his Bachelor of Business from the University of New South Wales at the Australian Defence Force Academy.

Tony has broad experience working in the Defence and National Security community. His writing on foreign interference has been published in the Federal Law Review.

Llewellyn Judd

Before coming to the Bar, Llewellyn was a solicitor at several leading mid-tier firms in Sydney and Brisbane practising in their liability insurance and corporate recovery teams. In his varying capacities, Llewellyn’s responsibilities included the management of high-volume recovery actions and large-scale multi-party litigation.

At the Bar, Llewellyn has a broad civil practice that encompasses commercial law, personal and corporate insolvency law, class actions, competition and consumer law, professional negligence law, succession law, taxation debt recoveries, insurance, employment law and personal injury law, both Queensland and New South Wales.

Llewellyn has appeared on trials and applications in the Federal Court of Australia, the Supreme Courts of Queensland and New South Wales, all other state courts of Queensland and New South Wales, and the civil and administrative tribunals of Queensland and New South Wales. He has appeared as junior counsel on appeals to the intermediate appellate courts of Queensland and New South Wales.

On numerous occasions, Llewellyn has represented parties at mediation and in other forms of alternative dispute resolution.

Llewellyn is admitted to the High Court of Australia.
Liability is limited by a scheme under professional standards legislation.

Michael Heath

Michael, is a Senior Junior with 25 years’ experience in commercial, equity and administrative law at the Bar. He appears regularly in the Court of Appeal of NSW, the Supreme Court of NSW and the Federal Court of Australia, the AAT and NCAT. Michael has also appeared on a many occasions for clients involved in the hearings before the Independent Commission Against Corruption and he has niche expertise in Liquor Licensing Law.

His work includes acting in regulatory and disciplinary matters, in particular, for the Inspector-General in Bankruptcy and the Official Receiver. Michael does work for a number of interstate solicitors and his work takes to appear in other jurisdictions including Queensland, South Australian and the ACT.

Meher Gaven

As a barrister since 2012, Meher has a broad commercial litigation practice with focus areas in discrimination and employment law and intellectual property. Meher has a well-established government practice acting for Commonwealth, State and Local government in matters ranging from statutory interpretation, administrative law, regulatory matters, defending discrimination claims, defending trade mark determinations and assisting with investigations.

As a solicitor Meher worked in both private and government practice. As a senior litigator for the Australian Government Solicitor, Meher acted on a number of high-profile proceedings, which focused on Commonwealth enforcement action and included service to the ACCC, IP Australia, National Industrial Chemicals Notifications and Assessment Scheme, Department of Human Services and the Companies Auditors Liquidators and Disciplinary Board. Meher was seconded to the Arts Law Centre of Australia.  In private practice, Meher’s focus areas were in commercial litigation and intellectual property disputes.

Meher was an associate to a Federal Court Judge, Justice Murray Wilcox (2005-2006).

Lachlan Menzies

Lachlan Menzies is a commercial litigator with more than 20 years’ experience. His practice combines large matters in collaboration with Senior Counsel, and a full range of matters unled. As well as litigation, he is briefed for transactional advice and drafting including direct briefs from in-house counsel.

A strong position, control, and success in Court are built on precision in pleadings, affidavits, written submissions and associated legal research. Close cooperation with instructing lawyers and a positive client connection are maintained through practical advice, and meetings and calls in conference. Lachlan is adept at Information Technology in legal practice and holds a degree in computer science.

Lachlan mainly practises in State and Federal jurisdictions in New South Wales, and also acts in trials and on appeal in the Supreme Court of Victoria.

Lachlan is a lecturer in the Master of Applied Law courses at the College of Law, appointed in 2009.

For further information including areas of practice, please refer to Lachlan’s CV, linked on this page.